Healing Testimony
When i was a toddler, I began to complain of pain behind my knees. I still remember the pain. The doctors called it growing pains.
At 11 years old, I began having issues passing out when I stood up. The doctors called it vaso vagal syncope.
While leaving the 7th grade, my joint pain worsened, especially in my legs. The doctors no longer called it growing pains but Juvnile Rheumatoid Arthritis. That meant steroids, which meant over 20 pounds of weight gain entering the 8th grade year. I felt puffy and starving. It meant strange medicines that weren’t meant for children. It meant traveling to CA just to visit a pediatric arthritis doctor.
As a teenager, my passing out began to be about 2-5 x a day. If I stood up, I was out. I was constantly catching myself on the edge of the bed, falling in the bathroom, collapsing back on the couch or the floor. I’d get my arm stuck in the door while going unconscious or wake up leaned over the counter tops.
In my late teen years began to have jerking movements accompany the passing out. It didn’t happen much around people or even at work. I’m not sure why other than it had something to do with me getting up after a while of laying down.
I got married at age 23. Not long after that, I gradually grew worse. It began with my heart. I’d be getting off the toilet and then suddenly find myself wedged between the wall and toilet until I came out of it. I had trouble walking from fatigue and shortness of breath. I was diagnosed with a valve issue in my heart and Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. That meant my heart would race to 150 out of nowhere.
I once was in a Walgreens, feeling off, so I went up to these two ladies to ask for help and found myself on the floor looking up and my body was locked up. My hands and feet curled and the wrists bent inward. It was hard to speak as if I had a mouth full of peanut butter.
My husband and I moved to Seattle and it was amazing. Truly. But my issues remained. I was being seen there by a liver specialist where they said I had high levels of copper in my blood. My stomach pain and issues worsened, I began to have pain in my liver that even if the doctor pressed on it lightly it hurt. They believed copper was building on my liver. So I had my copper IUD taken out. Immediately 2 weeks later I was feeling better.
Then I was scheduled to get some vaccines for a missions trip. I can’t recall which ones. I have had very little vaccines growing up. After I got these for the trip, I was asleep one night when it felt like my brain was zapped and it woke me. Then again, I felt a zap in my brain while I was having fun and laughing with my friends at dinner in seattle. After that time, I knew something had happened in my brain. From then on, I had what felt like strong and uncomfortable vibrating in my head and parts of my body that never stopped, even in my sleep, for a few years.
I began having convulsions, but they were not seizures. My body would lock up. I’d wake a night knowing I was going to begin shaking in my head; I’d hold still till it passed, then sometimes I would try to talk only to slur my words. I had these inner tremors at all times of the day and night. I had lost some sensation in my face and back. Back rubs didn’t even feel good. I was just tense and irritable. There were times when I would space out for hours. And I was always at the doctors and hospital. Always. Trying to find the answer.
Eventually we moved home to be with family and i started personal training by my friend, Sutton. Getting fit and eating better helped a lot. However, I was still on cannabis because it was the only thing that really helped the inner tremor.
During 2020 , Jesus would wake me up in the morning, and he’d ask me “can I heal you?” I wasn’t as close to Jesus as I was growing up. But I’d hear him faintly, and I would lay there and just quietly answer him each time, “no, I don’t want to.” I wanted answers for what was wrong. I thought sickness was who I was.
The last week of December 2020, I get a text from my dad. He has sent me a Youtube video of a sermon by a pastor I never heard of before named Pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth. The video had showed up on my dad’s Youtube channel one day, and he felt to send it to me. I told my dad I’d watch it, but.I didn’t really want to. Each time the video began I would fall asleep. And it wasn’t the pastor. He was far from boring. I’ve never heard preaching like this before. I just had a tendency to fall asleep during sermons.
I was laying in bed on January 1st, 2021. I was feeling weepy I remember. I played the sermon and fell asleep AGAIN, but suddenly a strong but quiet voice said to me “WAKE UP.” I jolted awake and sat up! Immediately I knew I needed to play the video. So I did.
God’s word came to life in a way I had not experienced before. For the first time, after knowing God since I was 3, I felt the Holy Spirit like I never had before. I repented for my sins and meant it. I knew in that moment and understood what God wanted for my life, how he wants to HEAL me for HIS glory, how he LOVES me, everything suddenly came to light. The heaviness, the darkness in and around me began to shrink in the light. God’s Spirit filled me entirely till It felt like it was pouring out of every pore, and I was overtaken with His presence. It was peace I never knew before. And Joy! I was crying because the joy was overwhelming.
I knew Jesus as my savior, so I knew that the Holy Spirit lived inside me. So I placed my hands on my body and prayed in the name of Jesus for healing over my entire body. I said “Father take this sickness from me. Heal me father in the name of Jesus. Take it! I don’t want it! I believe you want to heal me. I am healed! (Prayed over each thing: my heart, my stomach, my liver, my brain. the tremor) Thank you God for healing me!”
Within a matter of seconds of the prayer leaving my lips, I felt this tangible pulling and tugging inside my body as the sickness was being yanked out of me. It started in my head was PULLED through my body down and out of my big left toe! It left me just like that!
Then I could feel what I can only say was fingers tinkering with my actual heart and then my pulse slowed to a normal rhythm for the first time in YEARS! My heart returned to normal! My inner tremor- GONE! My joint pain - GONE! My stomach issues- GONE! My depression- GONE! EVERYTHING of SICKNESS and of EVIL was GONE.
Then quickly everything was still. I hadn’t felt stillness in a few years. I had so much pain for so long that when it was finally GONE, it was so noticeable I began to sob big heavy sobs of thankfulness.
If you’re sick, whether it be with depression, anxiety, or with disease, don’t let the next thing you say be out of doubt. Your words matter. God is good. John 10:10 says, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
We often get it that wrong thinking God gives us sickness or wants our sickness to glorify him. But it did glorify Him once I gave it to Him and let His power heal me. He is powerful and He is loving. Turn to Jesus. Don’t ask for healing and then turn around and doubt it.
When Jesus died for us, he took our sins and he gave us the authority to heal sickness and disease by His blood. We just have to choose Him and we choose to accept this free gift. When you have Jesus living inside you, you have the authority to command all anxiety, all illness, all of it to be gone in His name, by His blood and His power. He is a healer and always has been.
Now all I want is what He has for me. I want the blessings of God, because being a child of God is who I am, and God is GOOD. I hope you trust Jesus for your healing, too.
Update: I have a baby girl, I’m healthy and when I got my heart checked this year the cardiologist said he can’t find anything structurally wrong. It went away. I said I know, Jesus healed me. :)
Listen to the sermon I listened to Jonathan Shuttlesworth- 12/15/20 here.